Discover The 10 Rarest Cats In The World

Discover the 10 rarest cats in the world

Are you a cat lover? What breeds do you know? If you thought that races like Sphinx, Scottish Fold or Manx were something particular. Discover in this article the 10 rarest cats in the world. Short-tailed, low, hairless, with brindle hairs. Let’s get to know them.

California Spangled

Originally from the United States, the California Spangled breed was first developed in the 1980s with the intention of emulating wild cats. Its dark spots and slim body are reminiscent of leopards.


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The Serengeti cat is a cross between the Bengal and Oriental Shorthair breeds. Its origin is in the United States in the 90s. On their fur they have pronounced dark brown, beige or black spots. Its legs are long and its rounded-tipped ears are very large. Males are generally slightly larger and heavier than females.


Originally from England, the Burmilla cat was created in the 1980s and is the result of the cross between a Burmese and a Persian Chinchilla. These cats have a semi-long coat of fur that follows the lines of their body giving a soft and silky feel. They also have a large feathered tail. Their fur features a wide variety of colors including black, blue, brown, chocolate, and lilac. With a cheerful, playful and affectionate temperament, they get along well with children and other animals.

Kurilian Bobtail

Wild looking and medium build and muscular they adore people and love to be caressed. Its origins lie on the Russian island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands more than 200 years ago. Their eyes are walnut-shaped, oval at the top and rounded at the bottom. The ears are medium in size, triangular in shape, broad at the base and sloping slightly forward. It has a soft and silky coat and its color is brindle, with a great presence of white on its body. Some may also have silver highlights.


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With short legs and an endearing face, this cat can have short or long hair. The result of a cross between Persian and the modern Munchkin, its roots go back to the 90s in the United States. The mentor of this cross decided to call his race Napoleon because of Napoleon Bonaparte’s short stature. These cats are robust and strong, have excellent musculature and their long fur can be of different colors such as black, white or striped.

Blue eyes

This breed of cat draws attention for its deep blue eyes. They are medium in size and they usually have white spots on the body. Their origin is in 1984 in New Mexico where they were identified within a wild colony. Short hair, soft and silky, its color is usually white and gray brindle.


The Peterbald is a breed of cat that does not have hair and the color of its body is gray. The  breed originated in Russia in the 1990s as a mix between the Donskoy and the Oriental shorthair. These felines are elegant and their build is long and tubular with a long, whip-like tail. They do not have a belly like the Sphinx race. They have long legs, large oval legs, bat ears, and a wedge-shaped snout. His personality is affectionate, active and athletic.


The Sokoke cat is originally from Kenya, Africa and was discovered in the late 1970s. Its body is long and slim, as are its legs. Its hind legs are longer than the front legs, similar to those of a bobcat. Their fur is usually brown and the color of their eyes is amber green.

The Sokoke cats are very active and enjoy climbing. They tend to be guardians and relate very well to their owners.


The Minskin is a new breed of cat with short legs and fur on the face, ears, nose, legs and tail. Originally from the United States, this breed emerged in the late 90s and is characterized by having little skin, only covering its belly. These cats, although they are short-legged, have the same agility as any other cat.

German rex

Medium in size and slim legs, these cats have short, silky fur. They are happy and playful and their origin is in Germany in the 30s. Their color is brindle brown and their eyes are usually amber.

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