6 Things You Should Know Before Petting Your Dog

6 things you should know before petting your dog

Dogs are man’s best friend. However, many times our attitudes can be misinterpreted by them. In addition, there are many things that we take for granted in the daily situations of living with our pets. So we leave you with the 6 things you should know before petting your dog.

1. Non-threatening caresses

Dogs are very good at interpreting body language, but one thing to keep in mind is that some of our approaches may seem aggressive to them. The best thing is that you learn to caress him if he sees you as a threat. For example, don’t take him by surprise, especially when he’s excited. It is also not good for you to caress him by suddenly bringing your hand over his head, he will think that you are going to hit him and he will react either with fear or with aggression

The best thing you can do is extend your hand to the level of his muzzle and invite him to be the one to approach. In this way you will avoid upsets and surprises.

2. Don’t touch a dog that shows signs of aggression

perro agresivo

No matter how well trained a dog is, if it growls at you, is tense, or is in an attack position, do not touch it. It does not matter if it is your pet, the body language of dogs is very clear, so it is best to keep your distance.

Pay close attention to the growls, even if they come from your own dog, this can sometimes mean that he has some kind of injury, be it a blow, fracture, internal bleeding, something that is causing him pain and that is why he does not want you to touch him.

3. Crouch down when he’s shy

If after you have called your dog’s attention he is shy or scared and you want to make peace with him, what you can do is kneel down  and wait for him to approach. If the mere fact of bending over did not get his attention and he is still scared,  avert your gaze to avoid eye contact, as this can be very threatening, and call him by extending your hand or making soft sounds.

This should only be done with dogs that you know and that do not show signs of being tense or uncomfortable in your presence, in this position you are very vulnerable and you will hardly be able to repel an attack.

4. Wash your hands before touching your dog

Your dog is safe at home, while you roam around the city, having contact with different elements that can end up being harmful to your pet. The recommendation is general, it includes washing your hands several times a day in your hygiene habits. Many of the diseases of dogs are spread through contact, so if you were petting a dog in the park that had some kind of disease that you could not see with the naked eye and you come home to touch your pet, the most It is possible that you will transfer it to him. So it is best to wash your hands as soon as you get home, before greeting your dog.

5. Keep the key points in mind

caricia perro

After you’ve spent some time with a dog,  you can get to know the type of petting he enjoys and the areas where he likes it the most. So pay attention to their body language, because while some like strong caresses, others run away and while some enjoy massages on the neck and legs, others will growl at you if you approach those areas. So watch his language, if he has relaxed muscles and wags his tail, he most likely likes it.

6. Watch your tummy

Many of us interpret when a dog lies on its back as it is looking for us to stroke its belly. This actually means that your dog considers you the alpha, sees you as a threat or is fearful and tries to appease you. Putting yourself in this position is a sign that they are put in a defenseless state and show you their vulnerable areas, although there are dogs that enjoy these strokes, so keep point 5 in mind.

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