Stories Of The Intelligent Labrador Retrievers

Stories of the clever Labrador retrievers

Today we present some interesting stories about one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs that exist, the labrador retriever or dog  labrador . If you liked these dogs, from now on, they will simply fascinate you.

Some characteristics of the Labrador retriever

labrador retrievers

If they say that “the dog is the best friend of the man”, in the case of the Labrador retriever, the saying comes to mind. And it is that this dog is one of the best pets that we can have, since it helps us in a thousand areas of our life. And it is that the farmer:

  • He has an exceptional nose in a way that helps the police to find thieves, criminals, drugs or contraband material.
  • It can grasp objects very smoothly. A labrador retriever is capable, for example, of catching an egg with its mouth, being an ideal animal to help man with different tasks.
  • It repels water, making it perfect for hunting waterfowl.
  • He is balanced, sociable, friendly, and fun-loving. The ideal companion for children, people who are alone, with depression, etc.
  • They are very good guides. They are the dogs used by blind people.
  • They are the best helpers of people in wheelchairs, since they help to pull the wheelchair, to get dressed, to make calls with special telephones, etc.
  • They detect people with cancer or diabetes diseases (although this feature is yet to be studied).
  • They are great lifeguards.
  • They help the hunters to find the birds.

Some Stories of Labrador Retrievers

As you may have seen, the wonderful “personality” if we can say so that the Labrador retriever has has given rise, as you can imagine, to the most beautiful and moving stories starring this charming animal and its dealings with people.

One of the most peculiar cases is undoubtedly the story of Endal.

Endal’s story


Endal was a very very special animal. Allen Parton had suffered an accident while on duty during the Gulf War. He was in a wheelchair, speechless and with a lot of lost memories.

He didn’t feel like anything until he met Endal. It even helped him regain his love for his family.

Endal’s feat is unmatched. This Labrador retriever saved his owner’s life  in a unique way. It happened in Great Britain, in 2001, in a car accident.

He had the great intelligence to place Allen, who was unconscious, in a lateral position, a safety position, he retrieved his mobile from under the car, looked for a blanket and covered it … he barked so that some neighbor of the surrounding houses would hear him and come to the aid of the person.

He even went alone to a nearby hotel to ask for help.

That is why the story of Endal traveled the whole world and he became the most awarded dog in   the world with awards for his behavior such as “Dog of the Millennium”, “PDSA Gold Medal” and the Victoria Cross for animal bravery.

And it is that Endal became quite a character. It was filmed together with its owner Allen Parton up to 350 times and even a movie was made. It was the first dog to ride the London Eye and the first dog to be trained to operate the ATM card.

The book “Endal” published in 2009 became a best seller in the UK. Unfortunately soon after Endal died but, without a doubt, he continues to live in our memory.

Tommy’s story

Thanks to this Labrador retriever named Tommy, his owner Blessing Offor has achieved his dreams, to be a professional musician in chaotic New York despite his blindness.

Without Tommy he would not have been able to move with the freedom and lightness that he does through the streets or the subway of New York, one of the cities par excellence for all those who want to dedicate themselves to music.

An NGO in New York provides this type of dog to people like Blessing who need it.

Image courtesy of Hessyz.

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