7 Domestic Accidents That Can Be Dangerous For A Dog

7 domestic accidents that can be dangerous for a dog

Even if you think that your home is the safest place for your dog, if you do not take the necessary precautions, it can be exposed to different types of dangers. Next, we tell you the most common domestic accidents that pets suffer in a house.

Take care of your dog from domestic accidents

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Furry friends, especially when they are puppies, are usually very curious and restless and are eager to explore the secrets hidden in the different corners of your home.

And while household accidents can happen anywhere in the house, the kitchen and garden seem to be the most prone spaces for these unfortunate events to happen.

That is why it is important that you try to prevent these situations, as well as that you take extreme care, since they can put your pet’s life at risk. Pay a lot of attention.


Among the most common and dangerous domestic accidents, poisonings stand out, which can have different origins. Namely:

  • Due to the ingestion of certain foods that are not part of the dog’s diet and that end up causing them, generally, symptoms of gastroenteritis. The furry are specialists in rummaging through garbage cans or cabinets that are not properly closed. Thus, the kitchen becomes a source of food that is harmful to dogs. For example: chocolate, onion, bones, etc.
  • By swallowing objects that are made with harmful substances.
  • By eating plants poisonous to them that may be in your garden. This is the case of the hydrangea, oleander, rhododendron and the poinsettia or Christmas flower.
  • By pesticides you use to keep pests out of your garden or flower pots.
  • By cleaning products, such as liquid or soap.
  • By antifreeze for cars. This substance draws their attention for its sweet taste and is usually lethal if the animals are not treated urgently.

2-Ingestion of objects that cause obstructions

The furry ones usually put different objects in their mouth and chew them. If these items are small or break easily, they can be swallowed in whole or in part. This is the case with some toys, socks, shoes, pacifiers, bones, sticks and even mobile phones or remote controls. If any of these pieces reach your intestines, it can cause intestinal obstructions, and even perforations, if they have sharp edges.


This point is related to the previous one. The same elements that obstruct your furry’s intestines can also get stuck in his throat, causing him to choke.


Dogs are generally electrocuted by chewing on power lines. They tend to suffer severe internal burns.


A dog that has free access to a balcony or terrace without protection can fall into the void and suffer serious fractures or even die from the impact.


The dog can be easily injured by different elements. For instance:

  • Scissors that we forget on a table.
  • Broken glass that we didn’t pick up from the floor.
  • Tools that we forget in the garden.


When you are cooking or preparing something hot to drink, it is not convenient for the furry to be in the kitchen. Substances can spill on him and cause burns of varying degrees.

Some tips to prevent your dog from suffering domestic accidents

To try that your furry does not suffer accidents in your home, pay attention to these issues :

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  • Keep unsafe food and swallowable objects out of reach.
  • Find out which plants are poisonous to dogs and remove them from your garden.
  • Close well the jars and containers that contain different types of toxic substances.
  • It properly protects terraces and balconies.
  • Store sharp objects and tools.
  • Locate cables behind furniture or under rugs or use some type of cable protector.

But if unfortunately you couldn’t avoid your dog’s accident, take him to the vet for prompt attention. And if you think the animal was intoxicated with some substance, but you cannot determine which one, collect a sample of its vomit so that the professional can determine it.

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