5 Useful Tips To Combat Diarrhea In Dogs

5 Useful Tips to Fight Diarrhea in Dogs 

As in people, diarrhea in dogs is a common disease that affects dogs easily. They who eat anything they find, who do not even chew but swallow, and who are not aware of the damage that certain foods can cause, can easily suffer from diarrhea.

Now, it is our obligation to be aware in case our little animal suffers it and to be able to do something to avoid spending too much time in that torture.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

There are many causes that can cause diarrhea in our furry little ones, but we are going to list the most common ones.

sick dog

  • Parasites. These can easily reach the stomach of your pet as it is exposed to all kinds of germs, not to mention that they can eat things from the street without us noticing.
  • Reaction to any medication. If your dog has suffered some illness and you have been medicating him (always sent by the vet), he could suffer diarrhea due to a reaction to the medicine he is taking. This does not have to be serious, however, it is best that you consult with the veterinarian so that he can determine the seriousness of the matter and can remedy it.
  • Infections. Dogs are exposed to a lot of bacteria, and their immune systems are not as strong as ours and they sometimes have ups and downs. If you see that your dog has diarrhea, do not hesitate, take him to the vet. Better safe than sorry.
  • Tumors. If the diarrhea continues for several days, it is best to go to the vet. Your dog could be suffering from a disease that is not visible to the naked eye, even a tumor.
  • Stress. Stress is common in dogs due to different factors. Never take this for granted as stress on a dog is not beneficial.

How to know if my dog ​​has diarrhea?

Diarrhea is easy to identify. The stool will be liquid or almost nonexistent. The animal may show signs of dehydration and intestinal pain. It can also release smelly gas. Diarrhea does not have to be severe in excess, but when it is suffered for two days in a row or more, our recommendation is that you go to the vet as soon as possible.

Of course, in the meantime there are things at home that you can do to combat it.

5 steps to fight diarrhea

Here we list and explain 5 basic tips to combat diarrhea.

human food to dogs

  • Fasting. This is important. If your dog has diarrhea, it is best to fast. Any food you eat can harm you and if the diarrhea is caused by a parasite, it will continue to take advantage. If the parasites are starved, the diarrhea will go away.
  • Soft and easy to digest foods. By this we do not mean ready-made cans of dog food. These can only make the situation worse. The best are fresh boiled foods like chicken, carrots and maybe even a little rice, which is an enemy of diarrhea.
  • Give him bottled water. The water that comes from the tap is sometimes more contaminated than usual. We may not have realized it, but the delicate stomach of a dog can easily perceive if it brings more chlorine than usual or any other type of residue that, no matter how minimal, causes damage. Try bottled water to see if that’s the cause.
  • Talk to your vet about his diet. There are foods prepared for dogs that can favor their intestinal flora. These will undoubtedly help your pet win the battle against annoying diarrhea. Always have the help and professionalism of your favorite veterinarian.
  • Give him probiotics. These microorganisms will help the intestinal flora and improve the general condition of your pet. They can be found easily, but if you don’t know where to go, ask your vet

    These are tips in case this disease is not lasting more than two days for your pet. If this is so, your furry friend needs medical attention as soon as possible. Don’t let it pass or the situation could get worse.

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