5 Things Dogs Perceive In Humans

5 things dogs perceive in humans

For several decades, scientists have been studying social cognition in dogs, that is, how dogs read cues in the behavior of others. We humans do this automatically.  Just by looking at a person we can intuit what is happening to them. All social mammals have evolved in very different ways in readings from their group members, usually of the same species. However, several recent research shows that dogs are surprisingly good at reading certain types of social signals that humans emit.

What do dogs perceive of humans?

dog and woman

Loneliness: Dogs can sense when people feel lonely. It is very likely that a dog when it perceives its owner in that state of mind, tries to encourage him to go out or huddle under his feet waiting for an affection, a pampering or a minimum of attention. In that sense, the little furry ones can be great companions to lift the spirits. That is why they are often highly recommended as emotional assistance animals and as companions for older adults or children.

Anxiety and stress:  A dog can perceive very well when its owner is anxious and can even adapt to that state of mind. The dog is probably barking or fidgeting. He may ask to go outside or in the yard, run inside the apartment, or scratch some furniture. In those cases, the best thing is for the owner and the dog to go for a walk and have a little distraction. Otherwise, living together can become somewhat difficult.

Diseases: There  are several studies that have shown that dogs can perceive certain diseases that include even cancer. As we mentioned, between dogs and owners there can be a very strong connection. Therefore, it is not surprising that these little ones can alert you to a health problem, both physical and emotional.

Tiredness:  In these times, coming home tired or not wanting anything is not a surprise. However, that situation of fatigue, which your dog will perceive as soon as he walks through the door of your home, will be a difficulty for him. Remember that these types of pets need the attention of their owners. Therefore, if its owner cannot satisfy that anxiety and, above all, if the animal has not complied with its exercise or walking routines, the situation can lead to a series of uncontrollable barks. In that sense, it is best to relax, sit in an armchair and, if you have space at home, take one of his toys and throw it at him to bring it to you.

Happiness: Dogs can also perceive positive moods such as the joy of their owners. When this is the case, owners: Do not forget to enjoy that moment with your pet to the fullest and take advantage of the day to walk or play with the family.

Why can dogs perceive what humans feel?

dog and elderly person

The question that many people ask is: Where do dogs get this talent? The first guess, according to the researchers, could be that because dogs are descended from wolves, their ability to understand social cues evolved as they learned to hunt. If so, you might imagine that wolves must be at least as good at reading signs as dogs. However, there have been studies that indicate otherwise.

The next guess could be that dogs learn to read human body language from the time they spend with people. This would suggest that puppies, especially those still living with their littermates and not yet adopted, must be poorer at picking up human signals. However, this hypothesis is not true. Cubs that are even up to nine weeks old and still living with their mother and littermates can understand the signals better than wolves or chimpanzees.

But, then … Where does the ability of dogs to read human signals come from? Many theories claim that it is simply a by-product of domestication.   However, the positions in this regard are found and there is still no explanation in this regard.

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