5 Reasons To Adopt A Dog And Make Him Happy

5 reasons to adopt a dog and make him happy

In My Animals we have always been in favor of adopting a dog or pet. This will be an excellent article in which we will explain the reasons why bringing an animal into your life and putting all your effort to make it happy will be one of the best decisions you have made.

And there are many people who have repeated experience after adopting. It is true that it is not easy to find a puppy to educate to your liking, because normally in the shelters and kennels there are other older dogs.

But whoever adopts one, never regrets. He soon realizes that despite fears that he is not well taught or has a bad temper, adopting a dog, even a little older, is a unique experience. Why?

Reasons why adopting a dog is a good idea


Help the animals most in need

If you investigate a little to know the figures of abandonment and collection in animal kennels in your country, it is very likely that you will get your hands on your head. All over the world there are more and more abandoned animals because unfortunately there are more and more unscrupulous people.

Imagine how these poor defenseless animals can feel when they are alone in the world. So sad! Some with more luck are picked up by a shelter or a kennel and have the opportunity to find new owners. That’s where you come in.

And you will have one more advantage: these animals have generally been abused in one way or another, so as soon as they see your love and affection they will be enormously grateful and will go out of their way to make you happy.

Adopting a dog improves your physical and mental health

Having a dog, as we have told you on different occasions, brings physical benefits, since he himself “forces” us to take him for a walk, to play, to run with him …

But in addition to all this, a dog improves mental health and, if it is adopted, even better. Why do we tell you this? Because an adopted dog will be grateful, affectionate, tender and loving, because he will feel indebted to you for having taught him that the home in which he lived and was treated badly is not all there is. This will make you feel important and your self-esteem will go up.

An adopted dog is delivered “legalized”

It is a law in most countries that shelters and kennels must deliver to dogs that are adopted vaccinated, dewormed and with a chip. This gives you the advantage of knowing that the animal is in perfect health condition. In addition, you will save all the paperwork and money that it would cost if you bought a pet.

A good companion for children

In addition to the exceptional character of an adopted dog being ideal for the youngest members of the household, adopting a dog will teach your children a beautiful quality: solidarity.

Your children will learn that “there is more happiness in giving than in receiving” in providing a home for the underprivileged. In addition, they will see the gradual change in the character of the animal, as it is likely that it will arrive a little fearful or even aggressive but that it will respond little by little to the love received.

This will teach your children a valuable lesson: love is the engine that should move the world, because anything can be achieved through it.

children and dogs

Opportunities to socialize

You may find it difficult to start conversations on the street with other people. Having a grown dog will help you achieve this, because full of love and gratitude, it will be a loving and sociable dog that will delight everyone who knows it. This will encourage conversations with other people.

Also explaining that your dog is adopted can lead to a conversation with other dog owners, who may never have adopted and in this way you are also promoting the adoption.

Therefore, see how many advantages adopting a dog has! If he gives you so much and is capable of improving your life so much, don’t you think it’s worth doing your best to make him happy? Of course!

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