5 Best Brushes To Comb Your Pet

Brushing your pet should be part of your furry’s hygiene and beauty ritual.
5 best brushes to comb your pet

Regular brushing is part of the essential care that we must offer our best friends. Its importance goes beyond aesthetics, being key to the good health of your skin and coat.

On a day-to-day basis, it is essential to use products suitable for your hair type to achieve optimal brushing. Next, we will see what are the best brushes to comb your pet.

How to choose the best brushes to comb your pet?

The type of coat is the key factor when choosing the best brushes to comb your pet. Each animal has a type of hair and this requires specific products and care for optimal maintenance.

In this sense, the length of the coat must be considered, as well as its structure and the frequency of hair loss. These two factors are not always directly related, as we usually think.

That is to say, not necessarily a dog with long and abundant hair will shed more hair than a shaggy one with short hair.

For this reason, it is very important that we know the type of fur of our pets before leaning for a brush ; we can simply consult our trusted vet.

Brushing your dog.

1. Best brushes for combing short-haired dogs

Short-haired dogs do not suffer from knotting of their fur. Therefore, brushing will be to remove dirt and impurities from your hair.

For this purpose, the best brushes to comb your pet are with a card or rubber or mitten bristles. These products allow an optimal superficial brushing, without hurting the dog’s skin and only removing dead hairs.

To define the brushing frequency, we must take into account the density of the coat and its adherence to the skin. Some dogs, like the pug and the chihuahua, tend to lose hair frequently. Therefore, brushing should be done 3 to 4 times a week.

In the case of other breeds, such as the Labrador Retriever or Dalmatian, they require more occasional brushing, one to two times a week.

2. Brushes and tips for medium-haired dogs

Medium-haired dogs, such as the golden retriever, have a longer, thicker, and thicker coat. For this reason, they already show a tendency to the formation of knots and the accumulation of impurities.

To brush them correctly, we should prefer brushes with fine metal bristles, always of good quality. We recommend leaning towards products that are rounded at the ends, thus avoiding hurting the dog during brushing.

Regarding the frequency of brushing, it will be essential to do them three to four times a week. These furry ones tend to accumulate dead hairs on their fur and, if we don’t brush them, they will spread throughout the home.

3. Best brushes for long-haired and bulky pets

Comb a German Shepherd.

Dogs with long and abundant hair require greater care with the maintenance of their coat. Especially when we talk about furry with a double layer coat, such as the German shepherd or the Siberian husky. Their long coat is very vulnerable to the formation of knots and they tend to accumulate a good amount of dirt.

In general, these furry ones benefit from the use of two different types of brushes. Daily, we must use elaborate brushes to comb and remove dead hairs.

Although it can be expensive, the ideal is to brush our pet every day, for an excellent maintenance of its coat.

4. Best brushes to comb your long-haired pet

For dogs with long hair and more delicate skin, we recommend choosing double-sided brushes. On one side, these products have soft, rounded bristles, while on the other they have hard synthetic hair bristles.

First, we use the rounded bristles to remove dead hair and dirt. Then we use the synthetic hairs on the other side to add shine and beauty to the coat.

If our dog has a thick coat, but more resistant fur, we can also use brushes with a card or metal bristles. In practice we will see that double-sided products tend to give better results.

5. Ideal products to detangle hair

If your dog often suffers from knots in his coat, it is best to use rake-type combs to untangle them. These products allow to undo knots little by little without hurting the animal and preserving the structure of the hair.

Water dogs also tend to benefit from brushing with combs, rather than traditional brushes. The ideal is to choose the so-called ‘knot cutters’, that is, combs with metal bristles and separated from each other. This will allow us to undo knots and remove dead hair without breaking the fibers of its beautiful woolly hair.

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