10 Typically Feline Behaviors

10 typically feline behaviors

If you have a cat at home, you will have observed at times that it does something “strange”, but do not worry that it has not gone crazy, it is that they are typically feline behaviors. If you have had cats before, you may have noticed that they do the same in the same situations.

If you have not had cats before, it is normal that their behaviors are strange at first, so from Better with Pets we want to introduce you to 10 typically feline behaviors.

1.- Drink water from a dripping tap

Your cat has her water dish but there is a leaking tap in the kitchen, you’ll see how she is going to drink water from the tap. This is very common in cats and also in other animals. It is not known for sure why they do it, but it may be because it is a challenge for them or because they consider it as a game.

2.- Cover the food plate

gato y plato

This happens on a regular basis, there are cats that tend to cover their food plate, this means that what you have put them to eat they do not like.

3.- They tend to bite each other

This behavior is a bit worrisome, as you have to watch out for why it bites. They do it because something itches or hurts, if you observe that it bites insistently for several days, we recommend that you check it with your veterinarian, since it may have some dermatitis or other skin problem.

4.- Take the sand out of your sandbox

How many times have you seen the sand in your sandbox out of place? Surely many and this is something that cats love to do. But you must correct it so that it does not, since it is not hygienic. They love to dig in their litter box, but you have to tell them “no” and you can also spray them with water every time you see them do it, this way they will stop doing it.

5.- Move their legs in your tummy

This is very common in cats that are still puppies, since they are literally “kneading” your belly, as if they were their mother’s nipples, which they do to make the milk come down. But this habit they will continue to have when they grow up and then they will move their paws on your belly or on your legs.

6.- Playing with dead mice

If you live in the country and have cats, you have already seen that your pet loves to play with dead animals, such as mice. This is evidence of the ancient hunter and predator instinct that still persists in cats.

7.- Gnash your teeth when you see a bird

gato y pajaro

When cats see a bird or other animal, they immediately begin to gnash their teeth. Although cats are already domesticated, this is because of their strong instinct and they are simply watching the prey in order to hunt it. So if you have a bird at home or another animal, make sure it is never near it, because it can hunt it.

8.- Interest in the toilet

This is a very common picture in cats, since it is very common to see them playing in the toilet. This may be due to their instinct to also fish for prey, if you look closely they usually make movements with their legs to grab something from the toilet. Although there are also those who say that they are interested in the reflections of light in the water.

9.- rub his head against you

This behavior is one of the most tender that cats have. It is a delight when your cat rubs its head against you. This means that you belong to him and that you are part of his life, it is a way of telling you that he is comfortable and very happy. So feel privileged if your cat has this gesture with you.

10.- Your cat licks you

If it seems to you something wonderful that your cat rubs its head against you, the one that licks you is already “the most of the most.” It means that there is a very strong bond between you and your pet, since what they are doing is cleaning or grooming you. Believe it or not, this is not common, since cats only clean if there is a strong bond, either to their children, mother or siblings.

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