10 Things Not To Do If You Respect Your Dog

10 things not to do if you respect your dog

Many times due to lack of knowledge, and even with the best intentions, we can hurt our pet. If you want to offer everything you need and be the best owner in the world, we recommend that you read the following article where we tell you what things you should not do if you respect your dog.

What to avoid if you respect your dog?

No one can deny that there is a very special relationship between dogs and their owners. From the first contact to the last breath, canines become our best friends and offer us their unconditional love. Sometimes people do not know how to return that affection and we act thinking about their well-being. .. Although these behaviors may be harmful to the animal. Pay attention to these habits that can cause more problems than benefits in furry dogs and do not put them into practice if you respect your dog:

1. Dress him as a person

The humanization of pets is something more and more frequent. We found shops where outfits (including shoes, hats, and bandanas) for dogs are sold. Putting on a sweater in cold weather is fine up to a point, but dressing it up is not a good owner. The animal feels uncomfortable and many times “prisoner” of those clothes. And making a fool of him damages his emotional health.

2. Kiss him

Studies claim that kissing your dog can cause illness in both of you, as each species has “special” bacteria that are passed on with this display of affection. If you want to show him that you love him, find another way.

3. Believe that you have no feelings

Even if he doesn’t speak your same language, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel. Research has shown that dogs experience emotions just like humans. This is how they can feel love, frustration, anger, shame, jealousy, and much more. And as if that wasn’t enough, dogs read their owners’ emotions based on facial expressions. They understand what happens to you!

4. Hit him

It is believed that it is a way to educate him and to respect the authority of the human. However, a bump, no matter how slight, damages your relationship with your pet and leads to unhealthy communication. Also, if you hit him you will be fostering aggressiveness and resentment.

5. Force him to socialize

It is true that pets change their temperament when they are in contact with others of their species (or any other), but that happens when they are puppies. Already at a certain age, if you have not been socialized, it is very difficult for you to like the idea. If in the park you notice him nervous or scared by seeing dogs around him, do not force him to interact with them.

6. Take you everywhere

Even if you don’t want to leave it alone at home and you think that this way the animal will have a great time, the truth is that many places are not suitable for pets. And we are not referring to restaurants or hotels that do not allow their entry, but to environments where the dog will not be to their liking. For example to the forest, the beach or the mountains.

7. Feeding him incorrectly

The dog has a different digestive system than yours. You must know that very well. Therefore, there are foods that you cannot process well and eating them could cause inflammation, poisoning and even death. Don’t give him chocolate, fats, sauces, or condiments. Respect his diet and offer him only food for dogs (or suitable for them).

8. Leave him tied up

Chains not only cause injuries to the neck and deprive it of movement, but can also make your dog sick if it is outdoors for a long time (without sheltering from rain, wind, snow, sun or cold). Furthermore, chaining an animal greatly changes its temperament and character, just like when it is beaten.

9. Educate him with violence

Pets do not understand screaming or hitting, but affection and a lot of patience. Keep in mind that a dog has the intelligence of a young child and needs time to learn. Offer him confidence and rewards and you will see how he improves day by day.

10. Leave it in the car

If you go to the supermarket, the bank or any place where the dog is not accepted … better leave it at home rather than lock it in the car. Even if it is only for 5 minutes, the animal will be exposed to lack of air, high temperatures and great stress. Put all of this into practice if you really respect your dog.

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