10 Samples Of Cat Love

10 samples of cat love

Little by little, cats are achieving the role that corresponds to them as domestic pets.  Their supposed coldness to humans or the fact that they are considered untrustworthy are just clichés. It is quite the opposite, although they are very independent animals that need their space and seek it, they also know how to show humans the cat love they can offer.

Next, we are going to show you 10 ways in which cats express their cat love” to their owners:

1. Show the belly. If the animal turns on its back and shows us its belly, it is showing the most absolute confidence, because its position is thus fragile and vulnerable, and it is fully aware of it.

In addition to this manifestation of trust, it is also a gesture to attract attention, to initiate a mutual romp. However, it is a mistake to consider this gesture as an invitation to caress her belly. This happens with dogs, but not with cats. If we go with our hand to its exposed belly, the cat will take this as a betrayal of the confidence it shows. A scratch or bite may be your answer.

Cat love is licking and giving affection

cat woman

2. Licking. When the cat licks its owners, it does so because it sees it as its own, and it must be considered that way. They clean themselves like this, the expression “cat wash” is known. Just as a cat does with her kittens, if the cat licks its owner, it is making a lasting bond of affection.

3. Cat caresses. The “head butting” of cats are known, seeking the affection of the owner. When a cat looks for its owner with its muzzle, it pushes very carefully with its head or rubs itself, it is marking its owner or the person it is petting as a member of its family, and showing its complete confidence.

There is a chemical reason for these caresses. Cats have a concentration of odor control glands on their cheeks, and the moment they rub their cheeks against things, they mark possession.

Cat love is to tangle the tail and purr

4. The tangled tail. In a similar but not identical way to dogs, cats use their tails to communicate sensations, from fear and affection, friendship or animosity, etc. If it wags its tail around its owner, in an enveloping way, it is a nice form of camaraderie, just like when humans put our arms around someone’s shoulder.

5. The purr. The felines that we have as pets purr to show many things, often their affection for their owner. However, it can also be something less pleasant such as being hungry or sick. In either case, the purr is a show of confidence, either to show your affection or to ask for help.

6. The cat blinks. Cats don’t like us to stare into their eyes, because they see it as a sign of aggression. The fact that they are also staring at us is not a positive sign, but if they look at us gently and blink gently, they are showing us affection and confidence.

Cat love is sleeping very close

cat lying down

7. Sleep next door. When the cat sleeps next to the owner at night, he not only seeks warmth, but also considers the person he loves very important to him and does not want to spend the whole night without being together. It is one more expression of affection.

8. The gifts. If we wake up to a mouse corpse on the bed, the first reaction may be to scold our cat. But that gesture would confuse him, because what he does is give a “delicious” snack, which he could well eat. Our pet gives us something that is a treasure for him, and we have to be grateful. Another thing is to prevent our friend from going out on the street.

9. Meowing is a sign of friendship. When the cat communicates with us with meows, in the tone we can differentiate if the animal shows affection. In this case, it will be a meow with a lively high-pitched tone. Low, growling tones that sound like crying indicate other perceptions.

10. Small bites. A little ticklish nibble is a clear sign of affection.

We hope you liked these 10 samples of cat love that we have presented to you. Do not hesitate, a cat can love us very much, it is proven!

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