10 Fastest Animals In The World

10 fastest animals in the world

Not all of us have Usain Bolt’s ability among humans. However, there are other beings capable of running at very high speed, whether on land, in water or in air. In the following article we will tell you which are the 10 fastest animals in the world, with whom you could certainly never run a race.

What are the fastest animals that exist?

They can travel great distances in a very short time due to their agility and dexterity. These are the fastest animals on the planet:

Escarabajo tigre
Source: Richard Bartz

1. Peregrine Falcon

Take to the clouds in an impressive way. This majestic bird flies at an average speed of almost 100 km / hour. However, when it spots a prey on the mountain (for example, a mouse) it can reach no less than 360 km / hour. It has an enviable view and can fly faster than a Formula 1 car.

2. Cheetah

Number 2 on the list of fastest animals has the ability to achieve no less than 120 km / hour in a short distance. This beautiful cat with spotted fur is the fastest land predator in existence. It lives in the Middle East and in the savannas of Africa. It also has an incredible view and often stalks its prey stealthily.

3. Sailfish

We now turn to the aquatic environment where this fish travels at the same speed as the cheetah (about 110 km / hour). With a fairly characteristic body, since it has a long beak in the shape of a stinger, and a giant upper scale that earned it the nickname of “sail” due to its resemblance to ships, this fish can also change color to confuse to their prey.

4. Tiger beetle

In this case it is the fastest insect that exists, which will amaze you because it is small but a dangerous predator (hence the name “tiger”). As he goes so fast from here to there, he must stop from time to time on the road to be able to focus. .. It is that at such speed his eyes lose the landscape. It can reach no less than 2.5 meters per second.

5. Mako shark

We return to the sea to talk about this enormous fish that plows through the waters at a speed of 124 km / hour when it is in full hunting task. It is known as “the hawk of the ocean” and it is very dangerous for people, since it does not hesitate for a moment to jump on top of fishing boats to get food.

6. Hummingbird

This little colorful bird is very small but very fast. So much so that their wings can hardly be seen so fast that they move. With only 10 cm in length, the hummingbird can fly no less than 100 km / hour. Another of the curiosities of this animal is that it is the only species that can fly backwards, stay immobile in the air or fly downwards (not in a dive like the hawk).

Blue hummingbird

7. Swordfish

Also called Emperor or Gladiator, it can measure 4 meters and weigh 500 kg. It draws attention for its elongated beak (hence the name “sword”) and is part of this group of 10 fastest animals because it can reach 100 km / hour when swimming after a prey. It also has an aerodynamic fin that allows it to jump out of the water without problems.

8. Siberian Tiger

No one can deny that cats are one of the most beautiful beings that exists. And also one of the fastest! In this case, the beautiful Siberian tiger reaches 90 km / hour. His record has an additional, since he does it in the middle of the snow (where it is easier to sink). This tiger in turn is the largest of its species and has a unique striped coat in each specimen, which is also marked on its skin.

9. Ostrich

The largest bird is also one of the fastest (the third to be more precise). Although it cannot fly and only walks on its two legs, this feathered animal with an elongated neck can run up to 70 km / hour and weigh 150 kg. With only 1 month of life … Ostrich babies can already reach 55 km / hour. At any age they can maintain speed for long distances without tiring or stopping.

10. Dragonfly

We finished the ranking of the 10 fastest animals with this insect with semitransparent wings and an elongated body that can fly up to 100 km / hour, although the average is 25 km / hour (which is a lot for an animal of that size). They only live a couple of weeks and maybe that’s why they seem to be in a hurry everywhere.

Source of the images: Guillermo Fdez and Richard Bartz.

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